Banks agree to give personal loan to pay the fine against violation of traffic rule as per new motors vehicle act

Traffic Police issue Challan and also KYC form to apply loan
Delhi: The new Motors vehicle act is creating lot of buzz in India and Traffic police has already collected 43,000 INR, as per new traffic rules, from two vehicles who were traffic offenders.
“The cost of my second hand bike is 15,000 INR and I paid 23,000 INR as fine. Now I have applied for the loan from the Bank and they have agreed to disburse the loan to help me out”, Rakesh Kumar, a resident of Delhi said to StupidNews.
“We have already came up with the new loan scheme for those who wants money to pay the fine due to traffic violation. And the name of product is ‘Traffic Loan‘ and this scheme is already creating buzz in the market”, Loan manager of HDFC bank said to StupidNews.
Meanwhile, reports are coming that people are dragging their bikes, as soon as they see Traffic Policeman, instead of driving it to avoid the fine.
“This is dirty politics by Modi government. Modi is unable to find the way to stabilize the economy so they are harassing poor countrymen to snatch their hard-earned money in the disguise of new motor vehicle act”, Digvijay Singh expressed his anger against BJP government.
Disclaimer: This article of sheer stupidity. This is piece of humor and Satire.
You really are fucking stupid.