Greta Thunberg and Malala are the contenders for next Oscar Award for their acting skills

Greta Thunberg and Malala best contenders for Oscar award
New York: The 16 yrs old Greta Thunberg, her recent speech about Climate change at United Nation General Assembly, has become competitor against Malala Yousafzai, the another young activist, who is spreading peace across the World without criticizing the Islamic Terrorism.
“These two young activists are inspiration for the future generation that how to seal the Oscar award in their acting skills”, Peter David, One of the senior jury member said to StupidNews.
When asked how they are the best contenders for Oscar award that too in acting skills, “Greta and Malala always speak with great emotions that they are not aware of it and is called acting skills. Greta is fighting against Climate while she was taking lunch in Plastic boxes. Her speeches with great emotions without knowing anything is called Pure acting”, David replied.
Malala has requested to Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, to take her case to Oscar jury for the recommendation of award. Pakistan External Minister confirms this news to StupidNews.
“I will fight for Malala’s Oscar award till my last breath. She never criticize Pakistan despite so many wrong things in our country. Our country is so great and peaceful but Malala is not residing here and sacrificing all material life to stay in USA”, Pak External Minister expressed his support to Malala.
Disclaimer: This article of sheer stupidity. This is piece of humor and Satire.