Liberals of Bollywood just learn the full form of CAA and NRC, declares themselves as Legal experts

BollyWood Liberals declare themselves Legal Experts
Mumbai/India: The protest in Mumbai against Citizenship amendment act has increased more legal experts in India and according to our analysis the population of new legal experts have increased the combined population of Australia and New Zealand.
When asked what is the impact of Citizenship amendment act on Muslims, “There are lot of impact not only on Muslims but on Africans also. My friend from Africa region can’t apply for Indian citizenship due to this act” One of the Bollywood star and newly born legal expert, Farhan Akhtar replied.
Our team also reached to another explosive Bollywood director, Anurag Kashyap, to take his views and he was already sitting on his chair awaiting for us. “India population is 1300 crore and Muslims are 100 Crore. This act is discrimination to our Muslim brother”, Kashyap said.
Later, our team has analysed that Kashyap has added the population of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and most probably of Indonesia also to prove the validity of his knowledge about the Citizenship act.
We asked to Farhan, “What is NRC and CAA?”. He replied, “It is very simple: National Register of Citizens and Citizenship amendment act. NRC law is against my community.”
When we tried to confront Farhan that NRC is yet to pass in Indian Parliament, “You are Sanghi, You are Fascist, You are Troll and You are against Secularism. Get Lost from here”, he replied furiously
Disclaimer: This article of sheer stupidity. This is piece of humor and Satire.