PM Modi requests custom to allow him to bring more than two iPhone from USA due to relatives’ demand

Narendra Modi with iPhone
This is not the first time that Indian relatives are demanding iPhone from their kin who are returning to India from United States Of America.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been travelling to USA since 2014 as head of India and his relatives across Gujarat state have been sending message on his WhatsApp number to bring latest iPhone or DSLR camera from USA.
“This is true that our PM has been receiving request not from Gujarat but across India. Last time West Bengal CM, Mamata Banerjee, had requested for iPhone 7+ and this time Delhi CM, Arvind Kejriwal, had requested for iPhone xi to prepare himself for Delhi election”, PM Modi’s spokesperson said to StupidNews.
Last time PM Modi brought latest iPhone for Advani ji to make him happy and latest Bose headphones for Murali Manohar Joshi ji also, as per internal report.
“PM Modi has requested Indian Custom department to carry him at-least 10 iPhone Xi to India from USA. 2-3 will be for Modi ji’s relatives and rest is for alliance parties to get their support in upcoming assembly elections”, Sources close to BJP said to StupidNews.
Disclaimer: This article of sheer stupidity. This is piece of humor and Satire.